Sunday, 13 February 2011

Killzone 3 Warzone Multiplayer

Time to dust off the PS3... the sort of reason why I paint less frequently these days...




  1. I was bitterly disappointed with Killzone 2 after Killzone one originally made to the top of my favourite games list. It was just slow, unresponsive and had an annoying feature whereby you had to reach certain parts on the map for the enemies to stop turning up (rather than having a set number to deal with). I remember hiding behind a concrete barrier for half an hour waiting for something to happen and just picking off Helghast.

  2. Must admit I am a 360 stalwart,only using the PS3 to watch Blu-Ray films, don't like Sony's pad either. However, the Killzone 3 multiplayer open beta is (IMHO)awesome and makes me want to get into Sci-Fi gaming; I can feel some GZG orders approaching...:)
